Online Career Counselling Consultant Mba, Cat, Gmat, Mat, Uptu India

Career Counseling

Before starting with career counseling, first of all let us understand what actually career is? In simple terms career is a course of action which is chosen to go ahead for working life or professional achievements.

It is really a crucial step in everyone”s life what career to choose as there are various alternatives but selection is made on the basis of various criteria. Some of them are: Area of interest, Personality, Aptitude, Assess your strength and weakness, skills, Possibility and Opportunities, Capability, Feasibility and guidance, Nature of work, financial aid and scholarship.

Career counseling is foremost requirement which helps student to assess interests, personality, values and skills, and explore career options & research graduate and professional schools. Effective career counseling and career coaching programs can provide career changers with the objectivity needed to find a satisfying career. It can further help you create a career change strategy that will transform your life.

Career assessment is a major part of career counseling services which helps in the self-discovery process. It makes you aware of your interest, right career choice for you and strength and weaknesses associated with it.

Once career is assessed, next step in career counseling services is career planning which is almost dependent on dreams and aspirations in life. But again dreams can be many, it depends how much can be practically fulfilled which could be further decided with the help of career counselor.

Now the main question arises from whom career counseling should be done or search of right counselor should be done. A counsellor is a person who has the psychological understanding of the environment you are functioning and the current job market with proper analysis and findings.
A counselor evaluates and judges your corporate skills and also suggests personality improvement which enhances your all around development. One should ensure a pragmatic and practical approach to display your concerns with a career counsellor.

The actual need of career counseling arises once a student passes 12th. There are many options available in various fields depending on the streams chosen in 10th. Some of them are:
Career in management stream
Career in computers and IT
Career in engineering
Career in medical
Distance Education
Vocational Courses

Career counseling in India is being provided by conducting various seminars, counselors and experts, magazines; books are also available which help in providing right guidance. But the most popular source of providing counseling services in India is online services in the form of chat, experts” views, and much more in various websites which specifically focuses in providing right guidance to students in terms of their career.